Chatty Cathy Doll Limbs American & Canadian |
By the time you leave this page you will better understand why I have to change the limbs on the dolls so much. I buy many dolls just for the limbs. I always use the best limbs I can find on all the dolls I sell. This page is kind of self explanatory. There are so many different colors of the limbs, I can't count them all. Some limbs have faded while others have not. The only reason I can give as to why there are so many different colors is,... they were made that way. I assume there was a color they were looking for and trying to make but, I also assume all the plastic back then was not the same color.... so when adding color to make one batch of limbs, that particular batch would come out ok. Then the next day a second batch was made and maybe the plastics they used had a slightly different shade. So the limbs came out a bit darker or lighter than the day before and so on and so forth. Plus heat has something to do with color making it lighter or darker. In the pictures below you will be able to see many different colored limbs, plus there are more colors than what is on this page. This is why when you ask me if I have an extra limb you can have, and I do, but, there is no way for me to know what color you need and sending a picture of the one limb you have just will not work. Plus you should know I use up all my good matching limbs. Very rarely do I have a set I can sell. Please know when your doll needs a new limb, you will need to buy her a set of two and a set of 4 would be best. Buying just the arms or just the legs, you are taking a chance the colors will not match, now the arms and the legs are not always the same color but they usually are pretty close in color. So you are better off in the long run to put a 4 limb set on your doll. Which means buying a junk doll just for the limbs. See Many Pictures Below. More Canadian Limbs At Bottom Of This Page, Scroll Down. |
The picture above and one below are all Canadian limbs. The two sets laying in front of the dolls are also Canadian limbs taken from my two French dolls. Notice how the shade of color on all the dolls is slightly different on each doll. Also notice that they are not all a rich peachy color. Some look close in color to the American dolls. There really isn't much difference in color if compared to an American doll with nice colored limbs. But I will say they seem to repel staining. Unlike the American dolls limbs that stain easy. |
The pictures above and one below, are the same Canadian dolls and I added American limbs. To show you the difference in the variety of colors. |
The picture above is a set of peachy pink American limbs next to a brown limb that came on the early American dolls. |
The picture above is a set of peachy pink Canadian limbs next to a brown limb that came on the early American dolls. |
The above picture are limbs from the very early American dolls (the doll would have a cloth covered speaker). The limbs are more brown than pink and I personally like this color the best. But these limbs only came on the early numbered #0 and #1 dolls. So putting them on the younger dolls will make the doll look funny because the doll never came with this color. So if you see a doll for sale and she doesn't have a cloth covered speaker and she has these limbs you will know they are not her original limbs. Also I have since found out that the Spanish speaking doll also has these limbs. Click Here to read and see the Spanish Chatty Cathy doll. But that doll is the exception to the rule, just keep in mind that only the cloth covered speaker dolls came with these nice brown limbs. By the way, the limbs above are laying next to a set of Canadian limbs on the left. This picture shows the strong contrast on how different the colors can be and look above at the white limbs (toes sticking out) compared to these brown limbs. Now think of how many colors there could be between all of them and you will better understand why I have to buy so many limbs! |
Picture above is a set of peachy pink American limbs next to a brown limb that came on the early American dolls. |
Picture above is set of the ghostly white American limbs you will see these limbs come mostly on the #3 dolls and can also come on the other American Chatty Cathy dolls as well. I have never seen these white limbs on Canadian doll not even a close match. |
Picture above is set of yellowish American limbs you will see these limbs come on many of the dolls #2 through #-5 Dolls and a lot of the time on soft head pigtail dolls. |
The picture above is to show you how the arms can be a slightly different in color from the legs, very normal. |
The pictures above and below are of the different colors and shades of limbs on both the Canadian dolls and the American dolls. The Canadian are standing the American limbs are laying down. Plus the one leg on the far left above laying down is a Canadian leg and the one arm laying down on the far left below is also a Canadian limb. Also note ... see how that one arm below (the 4th from the left) American arm is very close in color to the Canadian arm far left? This is what I mean when I say some of the Canadian limbs are very close in color to the American limbs. |
This two pictures above and below are to show you the big verity of color on the American dolls and this is not all the colors. There are so many different colors of limbs it's next to impossible to show you all of them. This is also why when you write and ask for a limb, I can't give you one or even a set because limbs are very hard to match up and I use up all my matched up limbs on my dolls and never have enough, so I am always buying junk dolls just for the limbs. This is also why I have to add limb cost to some of the dolls I sell. See the leg in the above picture second from the right on the bottom? That leg is an American leg but it is very close in color to the Canadian limbs. I need to find it again and take a picture of it next to the Canadian limbs. Sorry it was one I must of missed. Also look below you can see on the hands the open right hand bottom far right. That hand was added later so Chatty Cathy could wear her new ring, more pictures of the hand below. |
The picture above is to show you that even the brown limbs that came on the early dolls can be different in color, again very normal. |
These next 5 pictures (below) are to show you the size. There are limbs out there that are smaller. Why this happened is anyone's guess. I have been told these limbs came on Canadian dolls but that is not all together true because I have found them on American dolls too. The next 6 pictures I have laid one of the shorter limbs against other Chatty Cathy limbs American and Canadian limbs to better show you the size and color. The smaller limbs also comes in different shades. Also you should know the limbs or legs of the doll. It's pretty normal for theses Chatty Cathy dolls to have one leg longer than the other. Now, I am not saying a big difference but a slight difference. If one leg is much bigger than the other one than chances are the leg has been replaced and in order to fix that you will need a replacement set of limbs. But if one leg is say 1/4 inch longer, than all that is, has to do with is the leg cavity. Inside the body where the leg attaches there is a lip on the body and on the leg. The 2 lips interlock like a hook, where the leg part is the hook that wraps around a plastic piece on the leg body hole. So sometimes the leg body hole on one side is shorter than the other or the leg itself on the hook part is deeper. So when you go put the to together the leg will actually move up and down ... like try and push up on the leg or put it down to even out the legs if you think one is smaller than the other. See most of the legs will not pull down and you can't push them up, but, like I said if the plastic on the leg hole on the body is smaller or the hook on the leg is deeper you will than be able to pull down or push up to even them out. It's really not a problem at all, I see it all the time. Mattel just didn't bother to fix things like that before they sold the doll because if the doll is dressed and has shoes on that 1/4 inch difference isn't a problem at all, she still will stand up on her own. It's only when she is naked that it can be seen and you might have a hard time standing her completely straight up and down but she still will stand up on her own, she will just be a bit bent over. |
Picture number #1 the smaller leg is laying next to a nice peachy American leg, notice how the top leg is over all smaller. The foot isn't that small it just looks like that in the picture, the feet seem to be almost the same size. Maybe just a bit smaller, you can tell that by the way her shoes fit. |
Picture number #2 the smaller leg is laying next to another nice peachy American leg. Again in the picture the foot looks smaller but it isn't. |
Picture number #3 the smaller leg is laying next to a one of the very early brown legs. |
Picture number #4 the smaller leg is laying next to a Canadian dolls leg (top) one with that nice peachy color. |
Picture number #5 I changed to a different color smaller leg and put it next to one of the American yellowish colored limbs. As you can see the smaller legs also came in that same yellowish color. |
The picture above is of an 1998 remake dolls leg (top) and the leg of one of the very early brown legs. Both legs are more brown and I personaly like these colors the best. Too bad they didn't come on all the dolls. |
In summing up... The last two pictures above are pictures of limbs I have. The top picture is of limbs that are usable some with stains but not bad. The bottom picture is of all the limbs I have left after dumping about half this many to take these pictures and to make this page. If I still had all the dolls these limbs came from I bet I would have 150 to 200 hundred dolls because in the 2nd picture and you can't really see, but there is a bag so full of the white and yellow leg limbs, I bet there is 60 sets in the one bag alone (not matching). |
Summing-Up... I classify the limbs in 8 different categories. With 50 to a 100 different shades. #1 American peachy pink a very pretty color. #2 American yellow, I don't like using the word yellow in my description of the limbs because they are not yellow they are tan but people like the word yellow best so I used it. #3 American white, I personally don't like this limb but it did come on a lot of the dolls so I am starting to use it more and more because some like it and it does go best with some of the soft face dolls that have that whiter sink on their faces. As does the yellow limbs above match a lot of the soft head pigtail dolls with the more yellow skin. #4 American brown, came on the cloth covered speaker dolls and on the Spanish Speaking doll. #5 American black, only came on the black dolls. Sorry I do not have any pictures of her limbs. #6 American and Canadian small limbs. I have no idea as to why some of the limbs are so much shorter but the foot isn't, did it shrink after it was made? #7 Canadian, peachy pink a color I love. #8 Canadian light brown limbs, not as brown as the American brown limbs but like them just lighter. Oops one last thing... when buying these dolls watch out for dyed limbs. There isn't reason to dye these limbs. I tried it once to get black limbs just to see if I could do it. I didn't have a black doll, it was just one of my experiments to see if it could be done, I am always doing some kind of experiment on these dolls. I did manage to get them black but not the inside of the limb and over time some of the dye spotted, so you could tell they were dyed legs. I did the arms too but I could not get the arms to take the dye. They turned a really nice green. LOL... Anyway there just is no reason to dye limbs, you can buy junk dolls for 20 to 30 dollars with shipping if you keep a good eye out. So why bother trying to dye the limbs? Now if you have a black doll with no limbs I could maybe understand why you would want to dye a set of white limbs black to match her body. But that would be the only reason. |
Canadian Limbs Below |
Picture above is of 2 sets of Canadian limbs. The first set is of the Canadian brown limbs next to a set of the peachy limbs. The brown set came on the early Canadian dolls. |
Picture above is a set of Canadian brown limbs. |
Picture above is a set of Canadian brown limbs (left), next to a set of the American brown limbs (center), next to a set of the peachy Canadian limbs (right). |
Picture above is a set of Canadian Peachy limbs (left), next to a set of Canadian brown limbs (center), next to a set of the American brown limbs (right). Bottom arm is an American open right hand which I have never seen on the Canadian dolls |
Picture above is a set of Canadian Peachy limbs (left), next to a set of Canadian brown limbs (right). |
Picture above is a set of Canadian brown limbs (left), next to a set of American brown limbs (right). |
Pictured above and below are of the Open Right hand that Mattel added later so Chatty Cathy could wear her jewelry. The ring now could be warn on both hands. |
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