Freckle Patterns on the
Chatty Cathy Doll
American and Canadian Dolls. Plus the 1998 remake
(above) 3 Canadian, blonde bobs, pinwheel eyes, center doll has the 8 pattern.  The end dolls have the non 8
(above) Canadian blonde pig-tail, pinwheel eyes, non 8 pattern.
(above) Canadian Brunette Bob, Pinwheel eyes, non 8 Pattern.
(above) Canadian Blonde Pig-tail, blue decal eyes, 8
(above) Canadian Blonde Bob, blue decal eyes, figure 8 pattern. Plus different eye liner.
(above) Canadian dolls, left blonde bob, decal eyes, different eye liner,  figure 8 pattern.  Second one Redhead bob, glassine eyes, non
8 pattern.
(above) French Canadian, blonde bob, pinwheel eyes, non 8 pattern.
(above) Canadian, brunette bob, Pinwheel eyes, non 8 pattern.
(above) American SF, brunette pig-tail, decal eyes,  #2 pattern
(above) American SF, brunette
pig-tail, decal eyes, #2 pattern.
(above) American SF, brunette pig-tail, decal eyes, #2 pattern
(above) French Canadian blonde bob, pinwheel eyes, non 8 pattern
(above) Canadian blonde Pigtail, eyes closed, non 8
(above) SF American blonde bob, decal eyes, #1
pattern.  "Prototype" first doll made.
(above) HF American Brunette Paige Bob, decal eyes,  # 1
(above) Canadian Red-head Pigtail, decal eyes, 8 pattern.
(above) Canadian Blonde Pigtail, glassine eyes, non 8 pattern.
(above) Canadian brunette bob, decal eyes,  8 pattern.
(above) SF American brunette pigtail, Glassine eyes, #2  pattern.
(above) SF American brunette pigtail, decal eyes, #2  pattern.
(above) HF American redhead pigtail, decal eyes #2
(above) HF American redhead pigtail, decal eyes, #2
(above) Canadian Brunette Bob, pinwheel eyes, 8 Pattern.
(above) Canadian Blonde Pigtail, glassine eyes, 8 Pattern.
(above) Canadian blonde pigtail, pinwheel eyes, 8 pattern.
(above) HF American blonde pigtail,
glassine eyes, #2 Pattern.
(above) Canadian blonde pigtail, pinwheel eyes, non 8 pattern.
(above) SF American brunette pigtail, decal eyes, #2  pattern.
(above) SF American brunette pigtail decal eyes, #2 pattern.
French Canadian, left redhead pig-tail, right blonde bob, both with pinwheel eyes, non 8 pattern.
(above) Canadian redhead bob, glassine eyes, non 8 pattern.
(above)  Left Canadian blonde bob, decal eyes, 8 pattern.  Right Canadian redhead bob, glassine eyes, non 8 pattern.
Canadian both "Redhead Bob Dolls", glassine eyes, left 8 pattern, right non 8 pattern.
(above) Canadian redhead pig-tail, glassine eye, non 8 pattern.
(above) 1998 remake, HF American blonde paige boy, decal eyes,
??? what to call her pattern.
(above) SF American blonde pig-tail, decal eyes, #2 pattern.
(above) Left SF American blonde pigtail, right HF American blonde pigtail, both with glassine eyes, #2  pattern.
(above) Left SF American blonde bob, decal eyes, #1 pattern.  Right 1998 remake HF American blonde paige boy,
(missing eyes) ?? pattern.  Look closey at the two dolls, the bob and the remake have almost the same #1 pattern
but slightly different from one another..
(above) 1998 remake, HF American blonde paige boy, decal eyes, ?? pattern.  Like a #1
The pictures above are of the 4 different patterns plus the remake.  You have to look very, very close to see the different

See how the two American dolls above (top 2 dolls) one is a hard face redhead and the other a soft face blonde bob
"Prototype" (first doll made).  Looking closely you can see how the pattern is different on the right side of the faces.   Also
notice the 1998 remake above the blonde bob prototype, her pattern looks almost the same as the blonde bob prototype.  

The bottom 4 dolls are all Canadian dolls, the left doll is a French Canadian with the non 8 pattern.  The right brunette bob and
the bottom far right blonde pigtail both have the 8 pattern, while the center bottom blonde pig-tail doll has the same pattern as
the left French Canadian doll.  Look closely you can see how the two patterns are different from one another.

Now I have been dealing with these dolls for many, many years and have had 20, 30, 40 dolls to look at all at once, so I can see
the pattern as soon as I look at a doll.   Seeing these patterns is not an easy thing to do so just take your time.  TidBit... When
looking at the doll look at the right side of the face to see the difference or in the pictures above look to your left at the right
side of her face..

Something else I should maybe should mention here.  I have seen how dolls are painted and what I seen was a tight mask was
put over the face and then the paint was sprayed on.  But the mask didn't always fit perfectly on the face so some of the face
paint would be lower, higher or more to the left and right then it should be.  So I assume Mattel did the same thing when
painting the dolls.  That could be why some of the freckle pattern sometimes looks very off.   But I do not know that as to be a
(below) SF American blonde bob, "Prototype"
decal eyes, #1 pattern.  (first doll made)
(below) American HF redhead pig-tail, #2  pattern.
(above) French Canadian blonde bob, pinwheel eyes, non 8 pattern.
(above) Canadian brunette bob, decal eyes, 8 pattern.
(below) Remake HF American blonde paige
boy, decal eyes,  ? pattern.
(above) Canadian blonde pigtail,
pinwheel eyes, non 8 pattern.
(above) Canadian blonde pigtail,
decal eyes, 8 pattern.
All 4 patterns together (below)
plus the last pattern of the 1998 remake
Hello... Ok all these dolls are mixed up on this page to give you a better idea of how hard it can be to see the patter in the freckles.  Both
American dolls and Canadian dolls have 2 patterns each.  American are marked with the #1 and #2 and the Canadian dolls are Marked
with "8 pattern" or Non 8 pattern.  Scroll to the very bottom of the page if you would like to see all the patterns together.  Plus I also put
the 1998 remake on this page so you can see her pattern is yet another pattern.  Note:.. This page will have you looking and looking just
to see the patterns on the faces.   It can be very hard to see but once you see the different you will be able to tell on any Chatty Cathy
doll what she is.  American or Canadian

Also notice the color of the lips and the color of the freckles.  The arch of the brows are different and hard to explain some are high
arched while others have more of a curve on both the American and Canadian dolls.  Plus the color of the brows and freckles is from
light brown to dark brown to a brown gray.  The Canadians lips have a more peachy color while the American can have a peach to a dark
pink color.   I can't do a face color page because all monitors are different and the color would not be the same color on all computers
because the browns and the pinks are so close in color it would be too hard to see the difference.  But you can kind of see the difference
in the colors below in the pictures of these dolls.  Also I will be doing a limbs page soon to try to show you the difference in the color of
the limbs.

All Canadian dolls have Soft Faces so I will not label them.  I will only label the American dolls as SF=Soft Face and HF=Hard Face.
Also some dolls are pictured here more than once.  I did it that way so you may compare one doll with another.
(above) HF American redhead pigtail, decal eyes #2