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Copy and Paste:.. First you need to Highlight the text or picture you want.  There are two
ways to do this you can use your keyboard or your mouse.  I will assume you know how to
use your mouse to highlight then copy and paste
(hold down left mouse button and drag, then
click right mouse button to copy, then click right again to paste).

To Highlight Using Your keyboard:.. Hit and hold Shift Key then use your arrow keys to go left,
right, or up and down.

To Copy Using Your Keyboard:.. Hit Ctrl and hold..... still holding it down hit C   go ahead hit C
a few time.  That way you'll make sure you got it.

Remember what ever you have copied will stay with you until you copy something else,  
then that copy  will stay with you until you copy something else, and so on and so forth.

To Paste Using Your Keyboard:.. Hit and Hold Ctrl......Still holding hit V
You can also do this one as many times as you want,  you'll just keep getting the same text
or picture over and over again.
"A Note About The Transparent Signatures Above"
They Have Been Optimized To Download Within 1 or 2 Seconds.  So When You Send An E-Mail,
The E-Mail Will Send With Ease and No Extra Time Will Be Required
             How To Use These Animated Signatures "Pictures"
                             In Your Email (The Easy Way)

TidBit:.. Microsoft Word will let you sign your name to your e-mail using an animated
picture so will Microsoft Outlook.  in both (use help typing in "Signature") those programs
will give you a step by step.

In "Outlook Express" (the e-mail program that comes with Microsoft Internet
Explorer) You will have to make your picture into an html document first.  
(Advanced Users
Click Here) For an "Easier Way" (step by step below) {You CAN Copy And Paste}  your
signature inside the e-mail at the end of your letter.    Or you can
Step by Step for Outlook Express E-Mail

1. Open your Outlook Express Mail
Click on  "Create Mail"
TidBit:..(Do the steps below just before you sign your name to your e-mail)

2. Then making sure your curser is on the page.
Click on "Insert"

3. Go down to "Picture" and Click

4. Then click on "Browse" and hopefully you saved the picture to your desktop
5. Click on the picture you want
6. Then click "Open"
7. Then Click on "OK" and the picture should now be in your e-mail

In Yahoo's E-Mail you can either use the Animated Signature Picture by copy and
pasting or use yahoos color and graphics to have the signature inserted in your out-going
e-mail  every time you e-mail someone or only on occasion as you wish.

Step By Step For Yahoo Mail

The very first thing you need to do in yahoo mail to get these signatures to work is ... Go to
compose.  Once in Compose  you will need to make sure the:..

Color and Graphics Option Has Been Turned On  -->Located:.. Top left-hand corner.

If do not know ... just click on Color and Graphics and that will turn it on if nothing happens
that will mean YES it is already on.  Then follow steps below.

1.  Click On ..."Mail Options" -->Located:.. Top right-hand corner of your mails "Inbox"

2.  Click On ..."Signature" -->Located:.. First Column Second Link

3. In the "Signature Box" -->
copy and paste (How To Copy And Paste Click Here) (This Page
Below) the picture (signature) Making sure the "View HTML Source" -->Located:.. Top
right-hand corner of box is NOT CHECKED To Use Signatures This Box Should Never
Be Checked
Important:.. To use a picture or an animation from one of these pages or from the web in
general.   Just go to the page the picture is on and copy it, then paste it onto the Signature

4. Make Sure You Hit "Save" -->located:.. Top or Bottom Left-hand corner of signature

*If you want the signature to be automatically inserted in all of your outgoing e-mails
follow steps above and before saving make sure the

*. "Add Signature To All Outgoing mail" IS CHECKED -->Located:.. Bottom left-hand
corner of signature box  
The signature will then be added to all your outgoing e-mails

*If you want the signature to be used only on occasion follow steps above and before
saving make sure the
*.  "Add Signature To All Outgoing Mail'  IS NOT CHECKED  -->Located:.. Bottom-left
hand corner of signature box
Then when you write a letter and want to use the signature
Check The box "Use My Signature"  -->Located:.. Bottom left-hand corner of your yahoo
e-mail compose page.  Your e-mail will be sent with the picture (signature) at the end of
your letter only for that particular e-mail.
Note:.. If You Want Your Request Deleted Off The Pick-Up Page As Soon Or As Soon As Possible After Pick-Up,
Please Include (date) With Request
.... More Info .... (Below) .... Or Request ....
.... Request For "Capricorn" ....  
.... Request An Animated Zodiac Signature ....
.... Pictures and Request Box Below ....
.... Using Your Name In One or All Four Zodiac Pictures ....
.... Free And Anonymous ....
To Request Animated Zodiac Signature (using your name)

If you would like to have your name inserted in one of the animated Zodiac Signs.
In The Form Box Above Just Type In
"Your Name"
Please only use your first name.
If your name is too long for the sign I will adjust the size of the sign to fit your name.
Check back here in a day or so and I will have your signature ready for pick up.
I will post your zodiac signature on a
Pick-Up Page (Click Here)

No need to tell me who you are (your request is anonymous)
The form box will send your request to my home e-mail your request will be
.... "Completely Anonymous" ....
I will not be able to e-mail you back.
What the form box does is sent your request to me as if I was sending myself an e-mail
I can not tell where the e-mail came from
Use these signatures in your e-mail or on your page.

Thanks For Visiting ... Dolly ...
Note:.. I Am Not Taking Request At This Time
(Please Do Not Use The Request Form Box Below to request animations)

Please do use the form box below if you have a question or trouble
with this site.  Thanks Dolly
Updated March 15th 2008
"Email Me Click Here"